Apparently under some law or something they have to accommodate larger people now because they put it under the category of DISABILITY! Don't get me wrong I am so grateful that they helped me out because I was able to stop stressing and was able to enjoy the flight. But at the same time it makes me really upset with myself!! I don't want to have to be accommodated because of my idiotic choices that I have made over the past 13+ years of not eating healthy and not totally taking off my weight. It's not their fault that I am a super morbidly obese person! It's MY FAULT! So we go up to the counter and she prints me up a ticket to put on the seat next to me. Then she put the tickets in a disability sleeve so we could pre-board. I'm sorry but a disability?? It is NOT a disability with me being fat. It's all about choices. I do not have a disability and I am fighting hard to make sure something like this never ever ever ever has to happen again!
As of tomorrow, Tuesday 8/27/2013 I am going to do a 90 day challenge! Phase 1 is the first 90 days. I want to do the 90 day segments just like they do on Extreme Weight Loss. I just won't be doing the crazy weight loss they do because I want to go at my own pace. I am going to take a whole year to really focus on myself and make me the best me that I can make!! If I don't complete all of my goals in this coming year, it doesn't matter because I will have made huge strides! Even if I have to do it in 2 years that's great because those 2 years will be the best years of my life! Want to know why? Because I am fighting for my life and I will be adding back many years onto my life! I am not defined by my size or the number on the scale!
We had another situation happen where we were ordering food and she was looking at me talking about "us bigger girls." In my head I'm thinking uhhhh no. I am not that girl anymore! Yes I still may have a larger body and clothes for the moment but I consider myself a fit girl. The reason why I consider myself a fit girl is because you become what you think you are!
So my friends, I am going to propose a challenge! I will be doing this challenge along side you also! I challenge you to go buy Chris Powell's new book Choose More, Lose More For Life. Read it from cover to cover and start a fresh new journey with me!! If you want to lose weight or just trim up, this will be a great challenge for you. I do have to admit though, I am still currently reading his book. So here it is. For the next 90 days I am going to just focus on eating healthy (eating the right foods) and working out. I am not even going to weigh myself until the 90th day. I have always set myself up for failure but not this time! I have always done a "challenge" and said I was going to lose such and such pounds. Well not this time. I'm not even going to give myself a goal of how many pounds to lose. My goal is just to stay on track woth eating the right foods and stay consistent with working out. My 90 day challenge is starting tomorrow August 27th, 2013. So my challenge will end a day before my birthday on November 25th and that will be when I weigh in. Anyways I hope and challenge you to join me on this journey!! If you need encouragement or support just contact me through Facebook or comment on this blogpost! I love you all and want the very best for you!!